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Topic: Setting up Wills in the UK  (Read 1109 times)

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Setting up Wills in the UK
« on: October 17, 2013, 12:26:01 PM »
My wife (American) and I (UK resident) recently moved to the UK. I want to set up wills for us in the UK as soon as possible, primarily to ensure that there is legal documentation in place specifying who should become legal guardians of our children in the event that both my wife and I have an untimely demise. Can anyone provide a recommendation on a good solicitor (who understands both UK and US law) who can draw up a will of this nature without charging us a packet?

I know there is a lot of complexity around what happens if I die first, the limits on what my wife can inherit without paying tax etc. etc. but I’m less concerned about getting that in place now – I feel like that is a lower priority and can be addressed later (once we have something in place covering our children…..

Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place, but couldn't see the right place for it

Thanks all

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Re: Setting up Wills in the UK
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2013, 05:12:31 PM »
November is Will-Aid month.  So, for a contribution to a charity a lawyer will help you draw up a will.  They probably won't address the UK/US issues, but if you want something in place to cover you it should help.

The US doesn't tax on inheritance, unless we are talking in the millions.

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Re: Setting up Wills in the UK
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2013, 05:15:28 PM »
Second the recommendation for Will Aid - this is how I got mine done.

I used Andrew Jones, of Mackrell Turner Garrett in London. I found him very knowledgeable about the international aspects of this process. Having said that, I didn't speak with any other solicitors before proceeding, so you may wish to ask around a bit more than I did!

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Re: Setting up Wills in the UK
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 03:42:23 PM »
When you make the will, etc. ask about an 'apostille', or check the US embassy web page for this. It's a legal instrument that makes a legal document document effective/recognizable in another country, so it makes a UK will recognizable in the US. Think of it as an international notorization. Also if you're doing a UK power of attorney (for yourUS executor and  your uk accounts and maybe it would concern your children if they're here), you want to look into it from the UK side.
 I don't remember all the details about the apolstille, but after getting a UK will drawn up (US executor, UK accounts) I remember going to the US embassy and paying about $35 for it.

Because your concern is your children, I would be very particular about these issues. If the children are physically in the UK there could be jurisdictional issues involved but the right kind of pre-planning could take care of them

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