Well, I usually don't get involved with these finance threads....but have had, over the last few years, relatives die intestate. Nothing really concerning me, but close enough to see what a mess it can leave.
As all states are different in the US, things vary, but in Florida, a state still very much catering to retirees, laws have been enacted that make intestacy attractive - everything pretty much automatically goes to the surviving spouse. Under certain circumstances any court involvement at all can be avoided.
I suppose this is OK, but this choice is often made with these vague promises, perhaps made with all sincerity, that the surviving spouse will "take care of the children/stepchildren", but as these things go....
In the UK, this situation with extreme home values makes things complicated, with a growing portion of the population "millionaires" due to the value of the home....but with insufficient cash to smoothly transition after the death of one of the spouses. The sensible thing to do, I suppose, in this situation is for the surviving spouse to sell up quickly and divide out in some way....but that is complex too...and done perhaps at a time when big financial moves like that are difficult.