Hi there.
I was wondering if anyone has any experience getting a working visa in the UK. I'm 26, American, and do not work somewhere that has intracompany transfer. I understand that with a general tier 2 visa, I need a sponsor. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of this process? Do I contact the company directly and inquire for sponsorship? There's a salary minimum that worries me as well...
I'm also an artist and was possibly thinking of applying for the tier 5 creative visa, in which I would still need a sponsor. Is an artist residency a possibility? Will that only allow me a month or so? I found a great website that lists all the companies in the UK that are registered sponsors. Still unsure the best way to approach the situation and the company.
I would ideally like to stay in UK, Scotland specifically, for at least 12 months but will take what I can get. Any and all advice is appreciated. Thank you.