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Topic: Is there a UK equivelent to Ensure that is available in grocery/drug stores?  (Read 2947 times)

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Due to stomach issues, I've often found having Ensure in the house (the regular original variety) to be helpful.  Now that I'm in the UK (Northeast England, Newcastle area), the only place I can find it is online.  I can buy it that way, but it is waaaaaayyyyyy more expensive than the US prices (which are, quite frankly, already too expensive IMHO).

Has anyone found something other than Ensure, but of a similar nature, available for purchase in stores that they can recommend?

By the way, the dark chocolate flavor is my favorite.  ;)
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What about talking to your GP about your stomach issues? S/he may consider providing something on prescription to resolve the problem, including meal supplement, if suitable.

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I had to Google to see what they were - try Holland & Barrett, they might sell something similar
"We don't want our chocolate to get cheesy!"

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I think what you want is Fortisip: http://www.fortisipdrink.co.uk/

The Macmillan nurse used to bring it for my FIL.  Not sure where it's available in shops. Looks like you can order it from the company website, but if it's something you need due to a medical condition, talk to your GP or community nurse, as you may be able to get it on prescription.

If you do look for similar products in shops, I'd be careful-- especially in a place like Holland & Barrett.  A lot of the 'shakes' out there are intended specifically for either weight-loss or muscle-gain/bodybuilding.  Apart from any issue of too many/too few calories, a lot of them will also contain various 'supplements'.  Depending on your other health issues, these could cause a problem; they might be harder on your stomach, or could even interfere with medications.

If you can't get hold of Fortisip, or aren't sure what to buy, talk to your GP/nurse first.

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I agree about talking with your GP. You could talk to a pharmacist about your options as well. 
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If you do see a GP, get this prescribed and need it on a regular basis, it may be worth you getting a prescription pre-payment certificate. Each individual prescription costs £8.05, a 12-month certificate is £104.00 and saves money if 13 or more items are needed in 12 months. I hope this helps!

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MiL used to have Complan (www.complan.com)
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Thank you for all the comments, advice, and feedback everyone, I really appreciate the time you've all taken to reply.   :)

For a little more background info - my US doctor had suggested Ensure when I mentioned the effect some of the medication I was prescribed had on my appetite.  It is not all the time and normally I have no problem eating regular meals with regular food.  As it happens, even though Ensure is rather pricey, I love the dark chocolate flavor and find it nice to have on hand when I just don't want to bother putting much effort into thinking about and preparing something to eat (it is really nice with some of the Trader Joe's trail mixes!  :D).  I'm not much of a cook, and I don't particularly enjoy it.  Yes, I know, this is the Food Talk portion of the Forum and I'm rather chagrined to have to admit such a thing.   ;)

Anyway, I do have an appointment with a GP this Friday and will bring up the issue with the doctor.  I've only been here for 2 weeks today on my Fiance visa, so this is all part of getting me set up to live here, but I was seen (and paid for!) at the same doctor's center during the six months I was here earlier this year as a visitor.

Again, thank you all very much.  Fortisip does look like what I'm looking for and Complan looks like something to consider as well.  Unfortunately, I don't see a dark chocolate flavor with either.   :(

Perhaps I should write a letter to the company(s) suggesting they consider an addition to their flavor?   ;)
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Don't think dark chocolate is as popular here  :(
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WHAT!!!  :o



(I'll be back with a coherent comment when....if..... I recover from the shock   :\\\'(   [smiley=disappointed.gif] )

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Don't think dark chocolate is as popular here  :(

Oh, dark chocolate is HUGE. It' absolutely everywhere. You can even get dark chocolate Hobnobs, which are WAY better then milk chocolate Hobnobs.
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Don't think dark chocolate is as popular here  :(

Oh, dark chocolate is HUGE. It' absolutely everywhere. You can even get dark chocolate Hobnobs, which are WAY better then milk chocolate Hobnobs.

*waking to the scent of dark chocolate wafting in the gentle breeze*
Ahhhhh...... that's better.  I thought I'd have to do something drastic for a minute there. 

Off to locate dark chocolate Hobnobs.......

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And dark chocolate kitkats...mmm

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*waking to the scent of dark chocolate wafting in the gentle breeze*
Ahhhhh...... that's better.  I thought I'd have to do something drastic for a minute there. 

Off to locate dark chocolate Hobnobs.......

The packet is a bit shorter and it's a dark red colour, just to help you find them. They tend to be about 1.5 quid, 1 if you get em on a good sale. I keep them in the fridge and oooh... so yummy.
The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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Sorry -- I stand corrected.  But dark choc. is a fairly recent enthusiasm.  Traditionally it was all about milk choc.  I think the dark Kit Kats and so on have appeared only in the last few years or so.
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