Thank you for all the comments, advice, and feedback everyone, I really appreciate the time you've all taken to reply.

For a little more background info - my US doctor had suggested Ensure when I mentioned the effect some of the medication I was prescribed had on my appetite. It is not all the time and normally I have no problem eating regular meals with regular food. As it happens, even though Ensure is rather pricey, I love the dark chocolate flavor and find it nice to have on hand when I just don't want to bother putting much effort into thinking about and preparing something to eat (it is really nice with some of the Trader Joe's trail mixes!

). I'm not much of a cook, and I don't particularly enjoy it. Yes, I know, this is the Food Talk portion of the Forum and I'm rather chagrined to have to admit such a thing.

Anyway, I do have an appointment with a GP this Friday and will bring up the issue with the doctor. I've only been here for 2 weeks today on my Fiance visa, so this is all part of getting me set up to live here, but I was seen (and paid for!) at the same doctor's center during the six months I was here earlier this year as a visitor.
Again, thank you all very much. Fortisip does look like what I'm looking for and Complan looks like something to consider as well. Unfortunately, I don't see a dark chocolate flavor with either.

Perhaps I should write a letter to the company(s) suggesting they consider an addition to their flavor?