Ha! In this house tea bags are considered an aberration imported from America, and don't even get him started on the kind with the strings and little tag attached! I've always considered them rather convenient for getting the tea bag out of the cup quickly... but what do I know?

I will never,
ever, forget the first time my fiance mentioned the word tea in the meal sense. It was something to the effect that he had to go "eat his tea", and it completely floored me. I swear I pictured him chewing tea leaves, and I must have been wearing the most comical expression as my American mind tried to grapple with someone who "ate" tea.

Now I happily eat my tea right along with him each evening around 6pm....
... which is a concession to my American belief that 4:30 is far too close to lunch to have another meal.

We do enjoy these blogs of yours, keep them coming - please!