Others will jump in with more definitive answers, but put simply - you will file pretty much as you would have in the US. Forms will include a 1040 plus any applicable schedules, and don't forget the new Form 8965.
Since your hubby has a green card (and I presume has not yet given it up), you will most likely file as MFJ, and include his UK income, but take a tax credit for the tax he has paid (if on PAYE) or accrued (if filing SA) in the UK. Don't forget to report any interest earned on UK accounts, and depending on the aggregate value of your financial accounts in the UK, you may also need to file a FBAR (FinCen 114) by June 30. This is only done on-line, but is fairly simple for most folks.
Assuming he gives up the green card, next year may be a bit different. You can likely use TurboTax or TaxAct software, which will make it easier for you.