You're being modest. It's a really hard test to pass, especially first time.
Take the praise, you deserve it!
Oh.....make no mistake.....I sure feel better getting it out of the way. I did not take it as seriously as I probably should have. Other than getting to the golf course a few times a week....I don't really need the car. Although.....if I had failed I would have had to wait 10 weeks to take another one.....which would have been a bit of a pain.
I had an instructor that my step-daughter used about 8 years ago sit with me on a drive for an hour about a month ago. He nailed me on not checking my mirrors enough and not looking out the back window enough when backing up. So about 3 days before the test every time I hopped in the car I just talked to myself....."Check your mirrors.......check your mirrors......check your mirrors". I had my wife in the car yesterday......her job was to stare at me and point out any/all screw ups. I have a real issue with day-dreaming with little effort.
I don't get nervous ahead of time......I am always fine on these things until those last few minutes before show-time......then I start twitching (as my shirt/arm pits can testify......eeewwww). But I have been driving in the UK for quite a while (this is year 15....1980-87, 2004-2011, and since mid April of last year).....and another 5 years in Japan (they drive on the left as well). And yearly trips going back and forth from right to left hand's easy for me.
I still think after the first couple of minutes she relaxed and we ended up talking the whole way through the drive. At one point we were on some of those really little narrow back roads/one way/scrape your knuckles on the walls routes "somewhere" in Knaresborough......I said "I have NO idea where I am". She just smiled and said "That's don't need to know where you are going,
I know where we are going". Just gets back to as long as I was doing it safely......just keep driving.
She had me pull alongside the road 3 more times other than the parallel park......twice on busy roads. Both times I glanced at her and said "Here???" As in "You gotta be kidding me". I did notice that after I checked my blind spot to pull out she was staring very intently at me when I looked forward again......if I hadn't done the check I would have been toast. She was being nice......but I think she would have hung me if a made a serious mistake.
Now I just need to get off my butt and start doing something about my taxes.....poop.