I am not really sure how it works.. is everything free? Including e.r visits? Or do you have to pay for some things as well? Such as prescriptions? Can you visit anytime u want? As many times as you want?
As you will be paying the NHS surcharge as part of your visa fees, you will be able to get 'free' NHS treatment in the UK.
- All doctors' appointments will be free
- All hospital stays and treatment will be free
- If you live in Scotland or Wales, all prescriptions are free
- If you live in England, presciptions are a set fee per item on the script (currently £8.20), unless you qualify for an exemption (i.e. people with certain conditions qualify for free prescriptions)
- Prescriptions for birth control are free to everyone
- You will need to pay for dental care, but if you go with an NHS dentist it's cheaper than paying for private care
- All healthcare for your child will be free, even prescriptions, dental treatment and opticians appointments (you can also get free glasses for kids, but the selection of frames offered for free isn't that great)
You can visit a doctor as often as you need to, although they are busy, so you don't want to waste their time... i.e. only go if you really need to and it's for something that you can't just ask a pharmacist about
Are certain parts of the UK worse ? Like longer wait times, ect. Or are there certain parts of the UK that have better reputation when it comes to health care? I am really interested in this, because my fiancé and I haven't decided where to live when we finally get together, so I am researching different areas.
Yes, there are some areas with faster waiting times than others or that are better at getting things sorted for you, but I couldn't tell you where those areas are, because I have no idea.
There are even different doctors within the same area that may be considered better or worse than others, so it's really more of a trial and error to see where you are happy being registered. A lot of doctors have 'catchment areas' and they will only register patients who live within the area they serve.