This provision may affect you when you earn a pension from an employer who didn’t withhold Social Security taxes and you qualify for Social Security retirement or disability benefits from work in other jobs for which you did pay taxes
The UK working years can't be used to extend your US working years. However, if you don't have enough UK years to be entitled to a UK pension, your UK working years shouldn't cause your US SS to be subject to WEP. So you should be able to get your SS pension without a reduction, but no UK pension.
Alternatively, you could use your US record to meet the threshold for a UK pension, and then your US SS would be subject to WEP. You'd have to do the numbers to see which works out better for you.*
I think that if you do have enough UK work years to be entitled to a UK pension without using any US years, you would not be able to avoid WEP by not applying for the UK pension. It's whether you're
entitled to it that counts. Not entirely sure on that, though.
* Correction: the SS pension is never reduced beyond 50% of the value of the uncovered pension, so you're better off with both pensions, even after WEP is applied. There's a calculator at which you can use to get an estimate of how much your WEP reduction might be.