Haven't been on here in quite some time and not sure where to post this, so when in doubt, put it in chit chat!
Just looking for some input on my sort of dilemma...
The first part of my spouse visa expires in June and am thinking about not bothering to apply for the second half.
The reasons are:
I realized that I have spent (much) more time in the US then the UK during the past (almost) 2.5 years
I miss my son & the rest of my family when I am in the UK & can't imagine only seeing them only a few times a year if I lived here permanently
I have never felt "settled" here, always feel like I am visiting and always have a sense of relief when I am back home in the USA, that yes, things are back to normal for me
DH lives in London, tbh I Hate living in London and DH will always live in London for his work
I really have no friends here, I do keep myself busy in the house and going the gym/walking/cycling, but in America I have a much better social life and activities and friends and there is always something going on for me
So it seems except for DH, (who luckily is able to come over to the USA for several weeks at a time several times during a year) I have no real reason to have a visa to live here :-/
In an ideal world, I would spend half the year in the UK & half in the US, as DH will eventually move to the US after he retires in 15+ years, or there is the slight chance that I will move over then, but that chance is pretty slim.
The dilemma for me is at this point, do I let the spouse visa expire and just go back to visiting, (which means I need to close my bank account, paypal/ebay accounts, take my name off of the household accounts, etc... & drive on my US license rather then my UK license, along with not having access if needed to the NHS. Then get back to living more or less full-time in the USA, instead of floating back and forth between the two countries, which sounds great on paper, but is very difficult in real life, sigh. Funny when I first "moved" over here, I thought for sure that I would never, ever regret it and would fit right into life here, ha. Best laid plans and all that!
Apply for the second half of the visa, as the next 2.5 years will roll along whether I have the visa or not and the cost/requirements for a visa will be more expensive & difficult if we decide to let it go now and possibly apply again in 10-15 + years. If I qualify for FLR 2, then I can eventually start the ball rolling on citizenship and we can do 1/2 the year here and 1/2 in the USA. But, I am also concerned that I will not qualify for the visa, as I have spent a huge amount of time out of the UK and don't want to spend the cash (as I would need a same day appointment) if I am not going get the visa!
So I keep bouncing back and forth between the above, one minute I think, right thats it, I'm done, let's make this easy and just come to visit for a month here and there, forget the visa. Then it is, I need the visa, it's foolish to have already spent the money and gone through the aggravation of applying for it in the first place to just abandon it when I am already almost half way through the process, but I don't want to live here so what is the point!
There you go, going slightly crazy trying to figure out what to do, so any and all advice would be very much appreciated!