I actually see the point they are trying to make. Somewhere, someone has looked at the state of driving in the UK and they have determined that what is lacking is not so much the knowledge of the minutia of driving regulation, but a defensive mindset.
The perception portion is showing just that, that we are hurtling along in a very dangerous piece of metal, and that we should be looking ahead constantly for developing challenges. Too, in the written portion, it is consistently reinforced that aggression should be avoided.
However, and this is another thing I am working on, this business of driving, of having this little personal capsule we careen around in....it appeals to our selfish individualism to such a degree that I don't know that any "lessons" learned through training and testing aren't naturally discarded when we are injected into the flow of day-to-day driving.
So while these things make absolute sense from the perspective of current test development, I can't help but think that in reality there isn't a heck of a lot of thought process going on in the average driver.....even if, and it is a big if, they are not driving aggresively.