I can't tell Australia to do because I'm not Australian. I don't have enough knowledge about the refugee situation in the world to even hazard a guess about what should and can be done. I don't know what the process is for the refugees who are being detained in Nauru, we just know that they are being treated like criminals, if not worse than criminals, and innocent people do not deserve that.
Nauru doesn't allow foreign press on the island, which is why we know so little about what is going on.
Being a teacher and having to have a plan for your students has nothing to do with the refugee situation. On a world scale, you only had to plan what to do with your own population in the event of X, Y ,Z, and our governments, as far as we know, do this! Do you come up with a plan should you suddenly have a small group of children without an adult come up to you who has run away from an abusive situation and is unable or refuses to go back to their home? No. You call the police or child services (a different area of government) and have them deal with it after treating the children however you treat them. I would hope it was compassionately and kindly...
I have already thought about what do they "deserve" as refugees because I knew you would ask. I came to the conclusion that that line of thinking is one of privilege. How can I, someone who wants for nothing and lives in a very safe place, decide what someone fleeing a war torn country, who used up all their money just to escape bombings, firefights, and death, decide what a refugee deserves? They deserve to be treated humanely, justly and with compassion. Because isnt that how we would want to be treated if we were in the same boat? Whatever a government decides to do they need to put it into writing and let these people know what they will be getting and when it will end. I couldn't even begin to guess at the costs for a refugee camp.
This is a situation that we have been in before, after WWII, but world politics is at a completely different stage now and the populations are MUCH higher. What worked back then will not work now.
I am not an economist, I am not in a position of power to know what each country can and cannot do to help these people. But I do know that we should be helping these people because it's the right thing to do. I am not religious, but doesn't every religion have a tenet to help those who are less fortunate than yourself? It's hypocritical to pick and choose who is "deserving" of help.