official narrative being?
Oswald was a lone gunman who for personal/political motivations committed the crime.
The explanations work, if in a sort of ad hoc feeling way, and Akbar's Razor says that the simplest explanation (not a big plot) is more likely.
But then there is this:

But again, projectiles do weird things and here is a diagram with the victims in a different position:

And another thing...they have done reenactments....marksmen (and Oswald was a trained marksman) have been able to replicate the accuracy of the shots....but under pressure? Having not practised in a while? Moving target?
If indeed it happened the way they say....then that is it really...all the parts just turned out that way.
So sonofasailor's verdict, after spending at least two late nights skimming the internet: until solid evidence is found to contradict it, the Warren Commission's findings are what we have to go on.