I’ll try to keep this introduction brief (but may not succeed). I’m a UK citizen who has been living in the US for 40 years, been married to my US citizen wife for 25. We have 21 year old twins. As retirement approaches I find a strong pull to move back to my native Scotland. My wife loves it there and loves my family, she has no family near us here.
We are currently living in Eugene, Oregon. It's a great place to live and raise kids, but a long way from Glasgow Green.
The complexities of such a move are a wee bit daunting. Our son is about to graduate college and will probably stay in the US for grad school and/or work, our daughter will come with us.
Obviously we’ll need a spousal visa for my wife, but the rest of us have British citizenship, so that part should be easy. Relatively.
We have enough savings and social security that the financial requirements are not an issue.
An added twist is that our daughter has had a host of mental health issues and is on multiple medications and receives on-going counseling.
I grew up just east of Glasgow, but so far we haven’t decided on a particular location; draw a line from Perth to Lanark to Ayr to Dunoon to Helensburgh to Stirling and back to Perth, that’s the zone we’re interested in. Is any particular area within those lines any better than others for mental health care?
For an ungodly number of hours in the last couple of weeks I’ve been pouring over the various topics in the forum and they’ve already been a great help.
I’ll be looking for lots of advice in the coming months, but wanted to say hello and thank you for what I’ve learned so far.
That’s as brief as I can make it.