You can do a same day appointment to switch to a Tier 1 from a Tier 2. Is your current (well old) Tier 2 a Tier 2 General or a Tier 2 ICT?
Honestly, you shouldn't have quit the first job without having the visa process sorted for the second job. As you should have applied prior to the curtailment of the last visa.
I think you may want to seek an immigration attorney to see if they can sort this out for you. Chances are the wedding is off the table. You could risk traveling through Ireland but at this point you are already in a very grey area, all depends on how badly you want to stay in the UK.
Have you already invested £200k in to the new business?
I "had" to quit because I just couldn't do it there anymore for reasons. (Complicated, mostly that I just didn't want to do it anymore to a high degree!). I was aware there was a more ideal way to do it but if I worked there until February I'd just be very unhappy putting it mildly.
I have met all the requirements for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa and beyond. And I have lawyers for this. Honestly, I'm just getting desperate and am foolishly asking on a forum hoping for some kind of beacon of hope. My lawyers too said it was grey and could go either way. I'm just really upset I probably can't make the wedding.
Call it an emotional internet outburst heh. Things didn't exactly go to plan timeline wise because the whole process on every level has taken 10x more time for no apparent reason. Send in tax forms, estimated to get back in weeks, takes months, government makes mistakes and typos my address horribly which delays things, delay delay. I thought I gave myself enough buffer to get everything done but it's been surprisingly inefficient as I've seen every estimated time go well beyond. But that's a whole other thing that isn't even visa stuff!
I figure even if I applied tomorrow there would be the chance that it would get delayed for whatever random reason. So there's always still a chance I have to move back to the US before I again come back to the UK. Hope for the best, plan for the worst. I thought I planned for the worst haha!
Thanks though.