Priority Spouse Applications March, April, May and June 2017
Date received by Sheffield email / Username / Date of Decision Email from Sheffield / Business Days taken for decision / **Notes**
March Average 20.75 Business Days
April Average 29.25 Business Days with one application pending.
Mar-1 katoo Mar-29 20BD
Mar-2 FormerlyFromNYCACT Mar-28 16BD
Mar-2 Guy P Mar-28 19BD
Mar-2 Rparkes Mar-28 19BD
Mar-3 steviereed Mar-27 17BD
Mar-3 ashlynnray28 Mar-29 18BD
Mar-7 yeomissyeo Apr-13 28BD
Mar-8 Victoria_S Mar-28 15BD
Mar-16 eball31 Apr-18 22BD
Mar-16 JoeFromNJ Apr-18 22BD
Mar-20 alexgirl82 Apr-18 20BD
Mar-23 BeeCee Apr-25 22BD
Mar-23 leen89 Apr-20 19BD
Mar-29 TechguytoUK May-03 23BD
Mar-30 hchillin May-02 21BD
Mar-31 Binzab May-17 31BD
Apr-05 jtjizzle May-10 22BD
Apr-05 JacquelineHyde May-12 24BD
Apr-06 TexanAlways May-16 26BD
Apr-07 antoniaallegra May-11 21BD
Apr-10 Katoo June-01 34BD
Apr-12 LukeandAdriana June-0130BD
Apr-12 UKBound June-06 36BD
Apr-12 hawkphx June-08 38BD **Apr-26 Upgraded to priority**
Apr-12 Missizz **June-21 confirmed still no Decision email - checking whether Priority.
Apr-13 James91 June-01 31BD
Apr-13 purplepeopleeater May-22 24BD
Apr-13 ston May-30 29BD
Apr-18 hayleeonfire June-01 32BD
Apr-18 Lammr14 June-06 34BD
Apr-18 anxiousandwaiting May-31 29BD
Apr-19 jessmed3 June-06 33BD
Apr-20 j4j May-31 27BD
Apr-21 Monica_40 June-12 35BD
Apr-21 nonmerci May-31 26BD
Apr-21 or1x **June-21+23 not responding - probably forgot to update - do not count.**
Apr-21 AshCasey11 June-22 43BD ***** MOST RECENT DECISION EMAIL *****
Apr-24 Legitbrit2016 June-05 29BD
Apr-24 AV June-02 30BD
Apr-26 kateaz04 June-02 26BD
Apr-26 troutlaw June-01 24BD
Apr-30 Tiffany May-30 20BD
May-01 Alyssa June-01 21BD
May-05 Rschaudh June-16 30BD **Newborn settlement visa**
May-05 dbendick **June-21 confirmed no Decision email yet**
May-08 Vik May-31 16BD
May-08 Windle **June-21 confirmed no Decision email yet**
May-08 mbmoffat
May-08 BeeAllen
May-10 EmilyUK
May-10 Kaybees
May-11 ReturningHome June114BD
May-12 Kris107 May-21 28BD
May-12 Charmskac10 June-5 15BD
May-15 AmericanMom **June-2 Upgraded to Priority**
May-15 whit92 May-31 11BD
May-15 chaitealatte
May-18 new-yorkshire
May-22 hgkg
May-23 GerrittP June-20 19BD
May-23 ahindocha **UPS Tracking shows received at Sheffield**
May-25 pondxrs
May-26 UKBound419
May-28 livelytania
May-30 tazzymundo
May-31 quinoaeggroll
May-31 LKP June-19 14BD
June-2 saie09
June-8 Suzane-muz
June-9 jckane8118 **UPS Tracking shows received at Sheffield**
June-13 SHL2017
June-14 Robinsnc
June-15 DusitinDep
June-15 jessica321
FLR(M) Apps
Date received by Sheffield email / Username / Date of Decision Email from Sheffield / Business Days
May-02 Sez2004
May-10 Beatlemania
May-18 Freespirit02
May-26 brenzie