Was your husband provided with your present property "as the result of a referral from a local authority"? I don't know anything about social housing, but that reads like it might be possible to approach a HA without a referral from a council?
If he was and if you provided all the proof to the council that you are not allowed public funds as you are subject to immigration control, and the mistake was theirs as they still put your name on the tenancy, then this will not be a breach of your visa. I assume that means that you can't keep your name of the HA tenancy as it is still public funds, just as someone who has received benefits they should not have taken, can keep that money?
Mistakes happen. I've seen posts before from people who have taken public funds in error. They usually correct the error, repay the money, said they admitted this in their next application and provided proof, and it didn't stop them getting their next visa. I think there is someone on here who did that?
Thanks guys.
Yes this current property was due to my husbands last rental (agreement between a friend so no paperwork being sold and him having about three weeks notice to get out... what a good friend) He knew he couldn't find a new place before that so because of his daughter the council granted him this place. He doesn't receive any housing benefit just pays the association rent. I asked to be put on the tenancy this Feb thinking it would be easier for my next visa. The HA agreed and sent us new paperwork. I did give them my passport and BRP card when they added me, which is why I assumed it was ok.
We didn't even think about reapplying for new housing until daughters school mentioned it. Honestly, I know this is cheeky but this place was our way of saving like crazy for a property.
Since things have changed we need to move for a bigger place plus be in school's catchment zone because they told us they couldn't keep letting her go to school if we aren't in the zone. Which was the one constant we had wanted to keep for her. And guess what, the area is apparently the most sought after rental area in town. So we've seen about three houses since January and we enquiry once a week from all the estate agents here. That's when school suggested we ask for a transfer and apply again.
I'm thinking I'll just call or go into the council Monday and ask them if they can change our application without withdrawing it. It's a long shot of approval anyways.
I don't know how I would repay the couple months error. All we do is pay discounted rent. We pay roughly 400 when it should be probably 600 if it were private rent.