At the risk of necro-ing this thread......
I'm sorry I ghosted everyone

I've been through a few really stressful periods and dropping the folks here was an easy way to feel like I had fewer obligations. But now I'm coming up on my second FLR(M) application and figured I'd better start brushing up on things.
So this is kind of a re-introduction post.... haha
Since you last saw me, I have:
- Continued working at the job I had just got when I left, even though I hate it (can't find anything better)
- Made about 12 pumpkin pies, because people keep saying "oh I've never had one before!"
- Bought a house and managed not to get divorced during the decorating and moving period (it was ALMOST as stressful as the visa applications)
- Lost my mother-in-law and both of my kitties

- Not had a real holiday or a honeymoon because I keep spending our time and money going back home. I've said it's not happening in 2020 because I need a vacation!!
- Been trying for a baby but not had any luck
- Probably become even snarkier
It's nice to see I still recognize a lot of names here. Glad to be back