Firstly I want to thank those who have contributed to this forum, which I have found very useful.
I realised this year that as a dual US/UK citizen I was subject to US tax even though I have lived in the UK for all my life. To prepare for renouncing my US citizenship, I have spent several months piecing together five years worth of tax-related information, much of which has never been required by the UK tax authorities. (For instance, I have held PFICs in an ISA, so things that do not even appear on a UK tax return have had to be laboriously gathered, requiring about 200 sheets of paper.) Anyway, I have mailed the tax returns to the IRS.
My question is, what happens next? Will the IRS acknowledge receipt of the tax returns, let alone comment on them? When do I submit form 8854, which I understand is needed to end my liability for US tax and to prevent me becoming a covered expatriate? The current version of form 8854 refers to 2016 as the year of expatriation and requires tax returns for the five years ending before the date of expatriation. My expatriation will be in 2017 and I have provided tax returns for 2012-2016. The next version of the form will not be produced until the end of 2017. Can I use before then the 2016 version of the form, amending ‘2016’ to ‘2017’ throughout? Will I be required to provide yet another tax return, for 2017?
The embassy said that I should ask the IRS. I found nothing on the IRS website, so I tried their telephone help line; after a long wait they said that I should ask a tax adviser. A tax adviser has said that I should ask the IRS.