Ahh, my niece and nephews are off at summer camp right now, same camp I went to as a kid. I have fond memories of going to summer camp. Mine was 4-H based, usually got a campership to attend because I was a hardcore 4-Her. (I did go to girl scout camp when I was a brownie as well, but it was daycamp and not overnight camp)
You don't see the same kind of things here for kids. Sometimes you see organised holidays for a week at an outdoor centre. But nothing like staying in a rustic cabin, swimming in a lake, doing arts and crafts, canoeing, campfires, s'mores, hiking, building forts, riding horses, archery, giant mosquitos, capture the flag kind of thing.
I always tell my husband when we have kids I want to pack them up and ship them to the US every summer to spend a few weeks at summer camp. Wish we were rich enough to be able to do so.