I don't think you can Miller Lite, but there are plenty of other watery-flavourless lagers that can be found.
I've had a quick look online and it doesn't seem to be readily available.
Why don't you introduce him to some good British beers instead! 
Phatbeetle, Albatross and KissofDeath are all experts on the subject! 
I concur!!!

Actually, if he likes lager and not other types of beer, there are some nice craft lagers out there.
RE#DIAL, which is a Williams Bros brewing Craft Lager available in Aldi is very nice and they do a nice on
on draught Drygate's
Bear Face is yummy!
Harviestoun Schiehallion is okay
Camden Hells Lager is nice and refreshing on a hot day
I've not had this one before, but Tiny Rebel make yummy beers, so worth trying:
Boho BrewDog has
Kingpin Deeside has the
LAF Steam Beer aka California Common a type of lager
And these are just the British ones I can think of, there are plenty of nice German ones you can find.