When we arrived we had one small pot with a lid (had a steamer insert), one frying pan, and a can-opener and were fine. You can cook a lot with just a few implements, but you really do need some counter space or it's a major juggling act! Kudos to you for having pulled it off with 1/2 meter of work-top in a non-existent kitchen!!!
I'm late for reporting last night's supper. I was a bit tired after having done an expedition by bus to B&O - like being in Home Depot again, with rows of choices - to get a bin to put the new hamster in so he had a decent amount of room. So after getting soaked coming home in the rain, and then maneuvering the hamster (who doesn't know me yet) from his too-small cage into his new, palatial estate, all I felt like doing was raiding the "pre-cooked" in my freezer. So it was boxed "American" southern fried chicken bits from Tesco (pretty good, really), fresh carrots, and french fries (also from frozen). The nutrition police probably wouldn't approve, but if they'd shown up I'd have told them that they could darn well cook something, then.
I am sitting here this morning over my cup of tea staring at the munchkin-cow brisket that Tesco sent instead of the larger one I'd ordered and wondering if it'll still work out ok with the recipe I have (basically, into the crock pot whole with veggies and oxo until late tonight) or if I want to cut it into smaller bits and do something else with it. Since even if I put it on now it probably won't be ready in 8 hours for supper (it's always best the next day), I think supper tonight is probably going to be Tesco tomato basil soup (with black pepper, fresh basil, and a couple of shots of Tabasco in it) and toasted cheese sandwiches (frying grated mature cheddar with a little paprika, black pepper, and a very small dusting of mustard, then ladling onto toasted bread when it's all bubbly and a bit cooked). And some sort of healthy side of veg. Maybe some nice, raw button mushrooms if I can find any at the shops. Otherwise it'll be a kosher dill pickle spear (Vlassic).
It's so bizarre, meal planning. Trying to stay low carb without doing the same handful of foods over and over.... I am beginning to really appreciate those old cookbooks with their "full month of nutritious meal recipes" sections!