Those are pierogies. It's the same brand my Polish shop carrys but it has English writing on it.
My mom's family was Eastern European but she grew up in Polish country, Ohio. I have a lot of Polish food influences and I'm thrilled to have a Polish shop a 2 minute walk from my flat. Their eggs are amazing and cheap too! Anything I don't know what it is, I just ask now. They are happy to translate the packages.
Ah, thank you, Tami! That's exactly what I wanted to hear. My biggest problem was that the photo was such poor quality that I couldn't see it, but then it was also called "dumplings", which is a rather umbrella term for so many different possible foods. But it was of Polish origin, so I felt confident enough to put the mystery product into my shopping basket.

Mmm, pierogies 
My 16-year-old has decided to become a vegetarian and leaning towards being a vegan. She cooks dinner for us most nights. She made us spring rolls with a peanut dipping sauce. It was very tasty but my God, I'm so hungry now! My husband and I are waiting for her to go with her friends to study so we can make a bacon sandwich! That's so bad of us!
Aww, I feel you! Years ago, I was nanny for my friend's baby, between my friend's maternity leave running out and her child care placement becoming available. It was a weird live/work/friendship situation, and I had most of my meals with them. For two months. And while their food was usually very good, it was also very lean. And, whereas my family had always served meals "family style", my friend and her husband served portioned plates (there were
never leftovers). I couldn't wait 'til her lunch hour every day, when I would pack up the baby and take her to my friend's place of work for "mommy time"... after they had their visit, Baby and I would go through the nearest drive thru (Jack in the Box or Taco Bell, usually) and I would finally scarf down as much as I could in one sitting. People watching me would've thought I had an eating disorder, parked in a parking lot and binging on junk food in my car like that. But I was famished! But I also didn't want to tell my friend that, because she was my host and I didn't want to be rude since she was feeding me. And paying me for child care.