I'm Alastair, a married and retired dual national currently resident in Southern California and planning to return to UK in 2018 to be near to family and Europe.
I found the website very useful in thinking about US-UK tax issues. Thank you! I have been seeking professional advice from UK-based accountants with knowledge of US and UK tax laws, but it is super expensive, as you probably know.
The web discussions indicate that the tax on a resident's company pension and IRA distributions will only be in the UK.
I was not clear about which state will tax my US social security income.
Discussions have shown me that my Roth IRAs will continue tax free in the UK as in the US.
I'm wondering whether to divest of all real property and investments here in the US totally prior to moving back, or to take gains and pay the tax in the US before moving but continue to hold investments here but with a fresh cost basis.
Further, I'm going to have to understand the Estate duty rules (effectively, there is no estate duty in the US) but I can work on that when I am living in UK.
Lastly, I am wondering what it is going to be like to return to one's country of birth after a 30 year absence. Fortunately, we have been coming and going every year and read the British press regularly. We are going to miss Southern Californian weather and friends for sure!
Thank you for this website, I think it is a great help for prospective movers!
Happy New Year, everyone!