I have a book that the Daughter bought for me, titled "One Magic Square" by Lolo Houbein that deals with a 3-ft-square garden bed. I used it for our first garden in Calif and it was a good resource. If you can pick up a copy used for cheap, you might find it helpful. [The author gets a little preachy, but some (perhaps not all) of the ideas in the book are worth a read.]
But, otherwise, I'd say 1) that if your family likes greens, do part of it in a pick-and-go (harvesting only some leaves off the veg) salad greens section with several different types of greens - the Daughter says Rocket is good, I'd add chives, maybe bok choy and some sorrel; 2) a line or two of spring (green) onions, as they can be planted very closely together; 3) radishes - they come along quickly and can be replaced with other plants soon thereafter. You might find the side of the garden that you can put a trellis up on (that won't shade the other plants) and put some sweet peas up it. When it's warmer, you could try some of the dwarf varieties of climbing tomatoes, squash, zucchini, etc.
I am SO envious of your outdoor space! Enjoy!!!