I've been here for 10 years, and have Indefinite Leave to Remain. The only bank account I've had all this time is a joint account with husband, who has a unique current account linked to a VirginOne branded RBS mortgage account. He got the account when he bought his flat, then I applied to join onto it years later. (Mortgage is paid off, so it really just functions as a current account for both of us).
I would like to open my own current account, in case we need to close or shift our existing joint account (in which case I would have no access to money in UK). But as you know, there are 2 obstacles to US citizens starting UK accounts:
1) FATCA reporting: all banks now require you to check/tick a box if you are a US citizen. If you are, they reserve the right to reject you, because they don't wish to report activities of US citizens to the US.
2) US citizens automatically fail UK credit checks: As a non-UK citizen, I am not on the electoral roll. As you may know, that means I fail all auto-credit checks (and possibly manual ones too). I dont know any way around this. But all banks seem to require a credit check.
1) Which banks have people recently had success with? Various threads seem to say Lloyds or Barclays are accepting US citizens. Should I try to do it online, and then go in? Or just make an appt to go into a branch and do it all at once?
2) How do you get around failing credit checks simply because you're not a UK citizen and not on electoral roll? If you go into the bank to apply, and explain your situation, does that help? (I'm unable to get a monthly phone plan in my name, because I always fail Carphone Warehouse auto-credit checks. And I've heard that each time you fail a credit check, your credit gets even worse).
The reason I may need my own account asap: as we are renting out the flat my husband owns, and planning to buy a new flat, we "may" be required to change his/our existing mortgage-linked account to a "buy-to-let" account. If so, it's possible that doing so, they won't let me be a joint person on the account, because of FATCA laws. (I applied and got accepted to be on the joint account before FATCA laws changed, years ago). If they don't let me be on his new account, then I'm totally screwed over, and will have NO access to UK money, other than him giving me cash!
So I thought, if I can just establish a "safety" account, regardless, I am not at the mercy of our existing bank who may cut me out.
Thanks much!