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Topic: American School in London  (Read 3251 times)

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American School in London
« on: March 10, 2018, 03:27:30 PM »

My family and I have been in London 5 years now.  We have children (ages 9 and 11) who have happily attended an independent prep school since yr1 and nursery, respectively.  We are lucky enough now to have a choice of either continuing their education in the British system at very good schools OR send them on to the American School in London.  We hope to return to the US but aren't certain of the timing - it could be anywhere between 2 and 4 or 5 years more. 

We aren't sure what to do as we actually have had a great experience with the British schools so far and we have really grown to love the single sex education, the wearing of uniforms and what appears to be a general higher level of decorum -at ASL I saw lots of kids in sweatpants on their iPhones and the overall feel was very "loosey goosey" for lack of a better term although I'm sure there is one! 

Can anyone give me insight into what really goes on at ASL?  I'm sorry to be so old-fashioned  in my thinking and concerned but it's really important to me that my children be surrounded by good mentors and people who have high expectations, not only for my children's education but also for their character. 

At the same time, we understand ASL is an academically excellent school and it would give our children many more opportunities than what they have now (technology, sports facilities, etc) as well as being in the American system would make the transition back home so much easier when it came time.

Thank you so much. 

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Re: American School in London
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2018, 06:50:39 PM »
Oh man.....my knowledge of ASL goes back a long ways....so probably not appropriate. I was there for sports a fair amount back from 1980-85. My impression wasn't too far off yours. The kids were from well off families.....lots of money and more than a little spoiled. Overall.......nothing really against the place.....the school was well run at that time and the kids that I dealt with were good kids.....just spoiled. But like everything....that was a long time ago.....things could be a LOT different.....but lots of money and spoiled kids I am assuming are still the norm. 

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Re: American School in London
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2018, 07:13:07 PM »
I think the biggest consideration is if you are planning to move back to the USA ever.  Secondary school in the UK is vastly different from the USA.  While kids are typically ahead in primary school in the UK v USA, it starts to shift the other way in secondary school.

If you will end up back in the USA before your children will finish high school, I would encourage you to really explore either an IB program or ASL.

Unfortunately I don’t think we have any active members on the Forum who have kids at the ASL.  There are definitely some on a Facebook though.

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