I am not a parent, but I am a nanny for 5 month old twins and their parents have them on a schedule that's pretty tight, and after a few months it becomes more natural. When it's nap time, usually between 8:30 and 9 am, they get put in their cribs awake and fall asleep on their own. They are up for a few hours, have a feeding and unless we have outside time planned (now it's getting to cold) they get put back down for their naps anytime between 12 and 1:30, depending on how long they slept in the am. I think that a schedule can be important for both the babies and parents because you know when they are hungry, wet, going to have a dirty diaper (it's like clockwork) but there is still room for flexibility. When they cry, I can rule out things much faster than if I tried feeding them every time they seemed hungry. They also will know what to expect. Maybe it's more critical with twins, but if I ever decide to have children I will definetley have them on a schedule like this--they slept thru the night at 3 months (7pm-7am) and love to be in their cribs!