I'm sorry, I'm still trying to figure out the lingo. What is MP? Do you mean all your documents are coming through this week, or this timeline in general? Ours is just a spouse settlement. That must be even harder waiting when there are children in involved.
I’m going to assume it’s ‘member of parliament’. If you’ve gone past 60 days they say you can reach out to them. Supposedly, the MP can contact people we can’t. I’ve yet to see a result, but they say to wait 4-weeks! (Your patients is appreciated).
I have 6 kids, 5 which are coming over and 1 requiring a visa as the other 5 have UK passports. It’s a mess for my wife. She’s stuck in a small house in Atlanta at my in-laws. School has started there and she’s starting to wonder if we are ever going to be a family again. They make you separate anyway you can spin it, in order to get a visa. Vicious process.!
If you haven’t heard anything and your nearing 90-days, I would write your MP; can’t hurt.
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