Can confirm Roti Joupa is extremely good - all the Trinis go there. Man - maybe I'll go over xmas and get some doubles.
Herman Ze German I've never been impressed by, but I come from the land of bratwurst and it just isn't the same seasoning/style/bun and that makes me sad. I want to say they put the brat in a hot dog bun which is practically sacriledge. Also didn't think their currywurst and fries was as good as what we've had in Berlin in the past- their sausage is just way WAY too salty here.
El Pastor tacos are very good, but they are taking the piss with the prices and the service sucks.
Garlic and Shots has nothing to do with Swedish food other than some meatballs and a sausage. Its just a London outpost of a Stockholm bar. Bagariet IS the business, however, for baked goods, especially the special buns at Easter that are a raging b*tch to make at home.
Best Singaporean/Malaysian is the C&R cafe in Chinatown. You have to know where it is down an alley, but they are always humming, the service is swift (if a bit brisk) and the portions are huge for the prices.
Mien Tay in Battersea is really good and priced really well!
I've had the Passyunk Avenue cheesesteak before I think (they used to be the Liberty Cheesesteak company?) as a food truck, and while I would love to get their hookup for the cheese sauce, cheesesteak ALWAYS just sits in my gut, no matter where I get it!