A major issue has come up with my wife's P60. When my wife handed it to me, I noticed a major error on it. Instead of listing my wife's salary for the past year, it appeared to only list her salary for the first 2 months of the year. Which, of course, would be way, way, way below what is needed to meet the financial support amount.
My wife gets paid by a council and my wife's place of work got in touch in the Council payroll department and was told that payroll would not issue a corrected P60, but they will send a letter to attach to the one her workplace will send that explains that it is wrong with the correct facts on it.
Would that be okay. If not, then I don't know what I will do as the council payroll has made it's decision and will not issue a corrected P60, but as I mentioned a letter explaining the error with the correct details. Thanks.