Hi guys.
Sorry I am posting so many....just trying to get a jump on things so I don't have panic attacks like in 2017.
I'm having trouble finding answers on the government website and guidance for things like the proof of living together mail in regards to ILR. Would anyone be able to help me with a few questions?
1. Are only original statements from banks allowed, or can we use letters from banks? My husband has a "change of terms" letter from our bank for Nov. 2017 that we are hoping we can use (although he has some scribbles on it).
2. How does it work to use bank statements as the mail evidence? I get the original ones, but the bank will only send them in 3 month bulk statements and there is no "printed on" date. For example, it will say "13 Nov 2017 to 12 Jan 2017, sheets 147 to 160.) Would I use this as evidence for the month of January 2017? And would I include the entire statement?
3. As an aside....has anything changed in regards to what is allowed as evidence? I can't find any guidance for it and the application is online so I can't print it out to practice like I always did. I remember it being allowed to have: bills/statements from utilities/internet/tv liscense; bank statements; payslips; doctor letters;
Do dentist letters work? My husband has an invoice from ours for one month. Would a British Gas home service appointment letter work? Can a sick note from our GP work? (I was signed off sick in May 2018 and have the sick note saved....has my address, my GP, and the date on it.)
4. For payslips....my current job is stupid in that it insists on using my first and middle initial instead of my full name - will this be a problem?
Thanks for any help guys. Hoping to keep on top of all of this so I'm not stressing myself, my husband, or any of you kind people out in a year's time. :-)