Hi there. 6 months of income is what I've seen a lot on this webpage. Is that 100% necessary? What if I have practically the top savings and then been in work for 3 months?
It depends on the financial category you can qualify under, but 6 months is usually the minimum - it will either be 6 months or 12 months depending on the category.
How much do you have in savings and how long have you held those savings?
The categories are:
Category A: Employment Income
- you must be currently employed in the U.K. and have been with your current employer, earning at least £18,600 for AT LEAST 6 months
You must provide 6 months of both payslips and bank statement showing at least £1550 per month before tax on each one (if salaried - calculation is different for non-salaried)
Category B: Employment Income
- you are currently employed in the UK and are earning more than £18,600 but you have been with your current employer for LESS THAN 6 months
- you have earned at least £18,600 in total in the last 12 months from any/all jobs held in that time
You must provide 12 months of payslips and bank statements
Category C: Non-Employment Income
- you earn at least £18,600 per year in non-employment income (rental income, interest from stocks and shares, PhD stipend, child maintenance etc.)
You must provide 12 months of bank statements plus evidence of the income
Category D:
- you have at least £62,500 in savings and have held them in full for at least 6 months
You must provide 6 months of bank statements
Category E: Pension Income
- you receive a pension income of at least £18,600 per year and have been receiving it for at least 28 days
You provide at least 1 month of bank statements showing the pension payment, plus evidence of the pension eligibility from the provider
Category F and G: Self-Employment Income
- you provide either the last full financial year (Cat F) or last 2 full financial years (Cat G) of required self-employment documents showing the requirements are met.
You can combine cash savings (Category D) with Category A and Category B, but ONLY the first part of Category B (i.e. if your current salary is less than £18,600 you can use the savings to make it up)... so if you haven’t earned the required £18,600 in 12 months for Cat B you can’t use savings instead for that bit.
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