From one Aspie to Another - Don't give up. In the BC (before Covid) era jobs were not easy to get, really. Now, they're going to be scarcer than hen's teeth. I had 40 years in the workforce and retired early, but I was having to fight to even get a foot in the door to entry-level jobs over here when I first arrived, and they didn't pay worth a darn. Thankfully, I have been able to live on my retirement. That doesn't help you much, though. To that end I would echo what I heard many times on this board, and believe to be really sound advice: volunteer. Find some volunteer opportunities in related sectors and do as much of it as you can. Once you have "in-country" references, I think things will go a bit better for you - or would have, BC. What will happen now is anyone's guess, but having the experience and references won't hurt you in the long-run. They can only help, I think.
Best of luck!