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I have the spousal visa which is valid until 5 April 2021. I know the procedure in regards to applying 28 days beforehand but I am wondering (on average) how long takes to receive it?
If you entered the UK on a 33-month spousal visa, you can actually apply up to 28 days before you reach 30 months in the UK, not 28 days before your visa expires... which means that if you entered the UK around July 2018, you will reach 30 months in January 2021 and can potentially apply for your visa as early as December 2020.
The information says up to 8 weeks or pay priority of next day service. We are invited to a wedding in mid April in Italy which was originally planned in June this year but postponed due to COVID-19. I am just wondering the chances of us being able to go without paying priority.
Before Covid, the FLR(M) application processing times were pretty standard for several years, running at 6-8 weeks for processing.
They are trying to get back to that now, but the timings are a bit all over the place as they process the backlog of applications... some people are getting their visas within a couple of weeks of attending biometrics, whereas others have been waiting 6+ weeks without hearing anything.
Also the £800 Super Priority service is not currently available because of Covid delays, and we don't know yet when it will be back up and running.
If you are planning to travel in April, I would probably apply for FLR(M) as soon as you qualify (i.e. December or January assuming you arrived in the UK around July/August 2018) and hopefully you should have enough time to get the visa without using priority. We should know more about how the processing times are going in a couple of months.
If it's available though, and you're concerned about not getting the visa in time (and you can afford it), I would recommend using the £800 Super Priority, if only for peace of mind. We don't know how Covid will play out in the next few months though, so you'll have to see what options are available nearer the time.