I just realized Thanksgiving is in a week and started to panic. I haven't bought anything yet, but my husband and I may be going to ASDA later. I know they usually have a decent amount of American foods, and it looks like they have some inexpensive turkeys (although I don't know how good they are). I have never cooked a turkey myself but my mother and mother-in-law are always saying it's easy. So I think that should work out okay. It looks like I can get canned pumpkin at ASDA too, although maybe not Libby's. I have made crustless pumpkin pies before but would like to make one with crust this year since my husband has never had pumpkin pie. Does anyone here have a simple pumpkin pie recipe? Preferably one that I don't need lard for as the idea of baking with lard grosses me out. What dishes do you normally cook for Thanksgiving and where do you do your Thanksgiving shopping?