Hello all. It's been a LONG time since I posted but have been hanging around a bit lately. I'm in Brighton and due 22 February with my second baby. First one is 5 years old and born in USA so finding out all these things done differently in UK this time around. For better or worse! Big question about sterilizing. (First of all, I plan to breastfeed but probably not solely so I need to sort out this bottle business.) I never sterilized for my firstborn, in the USA. I researched it at the time and remember finding it was not recommended or necessary to sterilize at all.
However, everyone in the UK seems to sterilize their bottles. And I can't find any info contradicting that. Why is it different? Surely the UK water supply is up to USA standards. I'd be very grateful for any info or personal experiences.
While you are at it, what is the deal with putting a newborn in the front seat? That is a new one to me too. I have an airbag in my car so I can't do it anyway, but I just can't believe all these babies I see riding in the front over here.
Well, thanks in advance for any light you can shed. -Emily