Oh Tami, I'm so sorry to hear that you've had a hard time. And that your work colleagues were such jerks. Were they mad because they thought you had left them to do all the work? Or just nuts?
I also miss a bunch of people that used to be here. How about Lyonara? And my favourite Son of Sailor? And the guy who rage quit after arguing with Sirius, was his name comascato or something like that? He made some vague references to being very sick and I hope he's OK
I think there were 2 different issues. My manager started with the abuse before I went off my work.
It is really bizarre actually because she and I used to be friends. She invited me to her house for hanging out, we went to Costco together, we rode to work together, she asked me to come work for her in the care home pharmacy because she wanted me on her team. I started declining her invitations to her home get togethers because she wanted me to drink with her and I'm not a drinker. She pressured me into drinking and I didn't like how that made me feel. Plus, my husband is a recovering alcoholic and I don't want to be drunk around him.
Then one day she flipped a switch and she started to make little dogs at me. But I thought at first it was just her sense of humor but then it started to get more mean and personal.
When I'm stressed I have a slight speech impediment. Most people won't notice it but I know when it is happening and she picked up on it. So when I would struggle with a word she would start making the hand gesture to hurry up and spit it out.
Then she started telling me how much my store manager didn't like me and store manager thought my performance was really poor and if it wasn't for her protecting me, I would have to have a professional discussion. (None of this turned out to be true. )
She would call me a hypochondriac. She didn't believe any of my symptoms were real since the doctor couldn't find out what was wrong. (Because obviously anything that is wrong with a person is easily diagnosed.)
Then we have my other coworkers. (2 specifically but they were my main coworkers and not just random people I could easily avoid.)
The one girl had become a really good friend. I should say in care home pharmacy, we were a really small team. There were just 6 of us.
She didn't like the way I ate. No sugar, no grains, no processed foods. I generally only eat animal products.
She came to believe that I was making myself sick because I didn't eat sugar. Yes, she actually said this to me. Because everyone needs sugar.
I gave her resources to read about the way I eat and she said she had no interest in reading it because she already knows about nutrition. Meanwhile, she is obese and struggling with metabolic syndrome.
So I told her I wasn't going to discuss my food choices with her but she wouldn't let up and while I was off work, she started spreading around that I was making myself sick because of how I eat.
After I was diagnosed with medication toxicity and I recovered enough to return to work, I didn't get one single apology. They simply ignored me like I wasn't even in the room.
So, I don't understand any of this behaviour. I was incredibly sick. My husband thought I was dying. I fully expected to get a diagnosis of MS. My neurological symptoms made it difficult to function. I started losing feeling in my hands and feet. My face started going numb. My cognitive function declined to the point that I would get confused about where I was at. I couldn't focus on anything.
I'm just glad that it turned out to be an easy fix but still extremely irritated over the care I received here. My ex husband graciously paid almost $20,000 cash for all of my medical treatment in the US and that was the cash discount price.
But what are you going to do? I'm just ready to move on.
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