Hi tenthplanet. I don't know why people have gotten so upset by your comments either. I live in California at the moment, and my bosses make 500K a year as insurance agents. Money is all relative to your surroundings, and here, 60K as a lawyer is low, and you couldn't buy a decent house on that. But aside from that, my brit husband and I have gotten in arguments about the salaries vs. the cost of living. Basically, according to how we have figured it out based on what we can afford here, vs what we could afford there on equivalent salaries, the cost of living is rather similar (California to England). London.. forget it, it's one of the most expensive cities, so unless you plan on becoming a pop star, your standard of living will have to decrease. You probably know that though.
Anyhow, good for you for making 60K. I know the hard work that you had to put in to getting your education, and I am thrilled for people who's hard work to educate themselves pays out. And of course you would adjust to a standard of living based on that. That's just textbook response to your circumstances. Anyway, just keep in mind if you are considering the move back, it's not as simple as converting american dollars to the pound. It has to be done in a broader sense than that: ei, 'on my salary in the US, I could buy this. on a projected uk salary for what I do, I could buy... something of similar quality? or not' I'm not sure if I communicated that well, but hopefully you get the idea.
Good luck no matter what you decide though.