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Topic: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc  (Read 26492 times)

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2022, 06:16:00 PM »
Always best to use the gov site for up to date processing times. In Feb/Mar they had ILR at 10 months and then changed to 11 months for processing. But it has dropped to 6 months again. You have to keep a close eye on them.


Does the listed waiting time apply to applications submitted now or does it apply to all applications in their queue waiting to be processed? Mine was sent in February of this year. I’m trying to prepare for delays :\

Thank you.

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2022, 12:52:46 PM »
Just for extra info/timeline ideas!!

Applied for ILR 9th June 2022 (1am)

Only Biometrics available (4 miles from us) was on 6th July 2022 (otherwise would have been 87 miles from us on 27th June)

We were able to get the super priority service!!! (refreshed screen from about 12:50 - 1am) and was available dead on 1am.

Biometrics: could have booked the 27th June for 132 pounds at 1am (but it was so far away from where we live) So decided to just try and get one closer us to us, so had to log in at 9am when they are released and was able to snag the first available appointment next to us, which happened to be a free one.

Initial Spouse visa approved 1st July 2017
Arrived in UK 3rd July 2017

Next visa approved 28th January 2020

ILR (5 year route) applied 9th June 2022 (Super priority)
Biometrics booked 6th July 2022

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2022, 11:09:36 PM »
Just for extra info/timeline ideas!!

Applied for ILR 9th June 2022 (1am)

Only Biometrics available (4 miles from us) was on 6th July 2022 (otherwise would have been 87 miles from us on 27th June)

We were able to get the super priority service!!! (refreshed screen from about 12:50 - 1am) and was available dead on 1am.

Biometrics: could have booked the 27th June for 132 pounds at 1am (but it was so far away from where we live) So decided to just try and get one closer us to us, so had to log in at 9am when they are released and was able to snag the first available appointment next to us, which happened to be a free one.

Hi Leanne! nice to see you !!  Matt
UK Spouse Visa Super Priority
2008-2012  Met/Married/Children

24APR Spouse Visa Application
05MAY Biometrics
24JULY Decision 54BD 
17AUG  Landed UK

21JAN FLRM Application
06FEB Biometrics
06FEB Approval email

22JULY ILR SET(M) Application (5 years since landing minus 27 days)
18AUG ILR Biometrics
22AUG ILR Approval email
26AUG Citizenship Application
30AUG Citizenship Biometrics (via IDV App)
21NOV Citizenship Approval email
20DEC Citizenship Ceremony
20DEC British Passport Application

14JAN British Passport Delivered

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2022, 11:40:23 AM »
Just for extra info/timeline ideas!!

Applied for ILR 9th June 2022 (1am)

Only Biometrics available (4 miles from us) was on 6th July 2022 (otherwise would have been 87 miles from us on 27th June)

We were able to get the super priority service!!! (refreshed screen from about 12:50 - 1am) and was available dead on 1am.

Biometrics: could have booked the 27th June for 132 pounds at 1am (but it was so far away from where we live) So decided to just try and get one closer us to us, so had to log in at 9am when they are released and was able to snag the first available appointment next to us, which happened to be a free one.

Your post and info was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks to a late-arriving bank statement I think I’m going to push all of this back a month bc I have a planned trip to Europe and leaving 30th of June. Was prepared to drive and pay for an early biometrics appointment but it looks like those aren’t really even happening ? Until at least a few weeks away…is that correct? I’m in Glasgow if that’s any use.

Congratulations on getting a priority spot! That’s another variable that’s giving me stress! Think I am best to wait now :(
Application: April 5 2017
Biometrics: April 13 2017
Received: April 19 2017
Decision email: June 6 2017
Decision: June 8 2017 -- APPROVED! 😊
Arrived in UK: June 24, 2017

FLR(m): Applied standard - 20 Dec 2019
Biometrics done - 13 January 2020
Approved for FLR(m)!  Feb 2020

ILR Applied Super Priority - 12 July 2022
Biometrics (got a cancellation!) -13 July 2022
APPROVED! - 13 July 2022

Next up - Naturalisation application!

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #34 on: June 18, 2022, 01:01:40 PM »
This is very helpful - thank you so much for laying this out. I have it saved now for my application for next year.

Can I ask if the application requires the dates of travel over the last 5 years? Is that something to keep track of now and write down?

I just wanted to ask as I didn't see it in the list. Thanks again - very beneficial for us all on here.

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2022, 01:27:34 PM »
I applied a week or 2 ago and on the application it states that stays outside of the UK for greater than 2 week require you to declare. Don't remember about the 5 year mark. The question has changed since my previous FLR application.

We went to Italy for a week about a month ago and because it's less than the 2 weeks they require, I didn't include it. 

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2022, 03:18:08 PM »
Thanks! That is really helpful to know.

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2022, 08:04:33 AM »
Updated 22 June April 2022 - Reference Doc addressing 5 areas:

1. The current ILR Application Procedure for a spouse.
2. Up-to-date processing timelines.
3. Priority slot availability.
4. Application Documents required.
5. Subsequent Passport/Citizenship Application.

Any help or info to improve this doc is appreciated.

1) You can apply 28 days before the 5th anniversary of the date you landed.
2) Use the SET(M) form to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK as a partner of a person or parent of a child already settled in the UK.
3) Fill out the application form  (includes Life in the UK reference code - which looks something like this PSJ/201120/SW200JF03/C6OO212) ...
4) Submit the Application and pay the application fees - £2400
5) If Super Priority (£800) is available and you choose it you will not be offered use of the app. You will instead receive an email with a registration code for the UKVCAS website, then you:
- Book Biometric Appointment on the UKVCAS website immediately.
- Upload documents to the UKVCAS website before the Biometrics appointment.
- Attend Biometrics Appointment.
- Receive Visa Approval email if criteria is met - currently within 4-5 hours of the appointment.
6) If you do not choose Super Priority one of two things will happen.
a) You receive the app invite where you can upload documents and Biometrics.
b) You don't receive the app invite so you will:
- Book Biometrics Appointment on the UKVCAS website.
- Upload documents to the UKVCAS website before the Biometrics appointment.
- Attend Biometrics Appointment.
- Wait for visa approval email.
- Then wait.  Try not to fret.  Remember this is a visa guaranteed to be approved if you meet the criteria, which you do...

Time from completing ILR application to being granted access to the app (app is optional and not always available):  4-10 days.
Time from completing ILR application to booking a Biometric Appointment (non-Priority): Range 15-30 days.
Time from attending Biometrics Appointment to receiving ILR decision:
- Super Priority gives the decision shortly after Biometrics.  Currently running at 4-5 hours after Biometrics.
- Normal Applications - if you use the app, or attend an appointment instead of using the app, it can take 6 months from submitting the biometrics.
Recent Decisions (please submit yours so we can see how they're running).
Applicant          Biometric Appointment       Decision
HMcartlidge     19JAN2022                           27APRIL2022.

Ksand24: "Not many - I think it was about 50 slots per day but with a lot Ukraine refugees applying now, there aren’t many slots available at all at the moment."

Application Documents
- Applicant's passport.
- Any other passports held since moving to the UK.
- Signed sponsor's declaration (part of online application).
- Life in the UK Test.
- Language Test B1 (not required for applicants from the US, Canada or some other English speaking countries).
Proof of Identity/Travel History
- Sponsor's UK passport.
- Applicant's BRP card.
- 7 months of payslips.
- 7 months of bank statements.
- Employer letter.
Optional but recommended:
- Job contract.
- Latest P60.
- If using savings - £34,600 held in an account for over 6 months and immediately available.
Residence in the UK
- Lease agreement in both names.
- Latest council tax bill.
- 6/7 items of mail in each name dated every 5 months going back 2.5 years (from at least 3 different sources). Either named together or within the same calendar month.
- Marriage certificate.
- Any divorce decrees.
If you have any children under 18 living in the UK:
- Each child's passport.
- Each child's birth certificate.
- A letter dated in the last 3 months confirming each child's address (i.e. from GP or school).
- No IHS Surcharge!

1) Before you can apply for a passport you need to become a UK citizen by applying for citizenship and then attending a UK citizenship ceremony.
2) If you are married to a UK citizen, you can apply for citizenship as soon as you have ILR as long as you meet the 3-year residency requirements.
3) It costs about £1300 for citizenship and can take up to 6 months for processing. You then have 3 months to attend to citizenship ceremony after that.
4) Once you have UK citizenship, you can apply for a UK passport, which is about £80 and takes up to a few weeks for processing.

This is a starting point – any help to improve the quality of the info is much appreciated.
1)   Fill out the Application Form.
2)   There are links to the Referee Forms.
3)   Submit Form + Pay Fee
4)   Mandatory Actions – includes Referee Forms (again) + Family Consent.
5)   Sopra Steria. You love it. Register and book Biometric Appointment – availability approx 21days as of April 2022.
6)   Upload Docs before Biometric Appointment (must complete at least 48hours before) or take the docs to the Appointment if you have booked/paid to have them scanned.

Citizenship is a completely different type of application and is in no way comparable to a spousal visa, FLR or ILR.
It is not a visa and it has almost no requirements. It is the easiest application you will fill in.

For citizenship (if married to a UK citizen), the only requirements are:
- Hold ILR
- Married to a UK citizen
- 3-year residency requirement (in UK 3 years prior to application date and no more than 270 days outside the UK in last 3 years)
- Good character requirement (no unspent convictions and you have been paying your taxes)
- 2 referees to confirm your identity

None of the spousal visa requirements apply to citizenship. There is:
- No accommodation requirement
- No financial requirement
- No relationship requirement (other than your marriage certificate)

Unless you are self-employed, pretty much the only documents you should need for citizenship are:
- Applicant’s passport
- UK spouse’s passport
- ILR BRP card
- Marriage certificate
- Life in the UK test reference number
- 2 referee forms

Citizenship Timelines.
Time from completing Citizenship Application to Biometrics - approx 21 Days according to one recent Applicant.
Average Citizenship Application processing times are usually 3-6 months from biometrics.
There is no Priority Service available for Citizenship Applications because it is not a visa.

Here is the link to Form AN – Application for naturalisation as a British Citizen.

UK Spouse Visa Super Priority
2008-2012  Met/Married/Children

24APR Spouse Visa Application
05MAY Biometrics
24JULY Decision 54BD 
17AUG  Landed UK

21JAN FLRM Application
06FEB Biometrics
06FEB Approval email

22JULY ILR SET(M) Application (5 years since landing minus 27 days)
18AUG ILR Biometrics
22AUG ILR Approval email
26AUG Citizenship Application
30AUG Citizenship Biometrics (via IDV App)
21NOV Citizenship Approval email
20DEC Citizenship Ceremony
20DEC British Passport Application

14JAN British Passport Delivered

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #38 on: June 28, 2022, 11:03:50 AM »
Question re: intitial timeline for when to apply for ILR

I've got a friend who came on a fiance visa first. When would she be eligible to apply for ILR? Is it going to be 5 years from the date she landed too? Or will it be related to when her Spousal Visa was awarded?
Spouse Visa Granted: 20 January 2016 - Arrived in UK: 27 February 2016 - FLR(M) Granted: 12 November 2018 - LiTUK Test Passed: 6 March 2021 - ILR Application Submitted: 13 March 2021 - Biometrics: 10 April 2021 - ILR Approved 25 August 2021 - UK Citizenship Application Submitted: 20 September 2021 - Biometrics: 12 October 2021 - Email Invite to Citizenship Ceremony: 15 November 2021

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2022, 11:10:18 AM »
Question re: intitial timeline for when to apply for ILR

I've got a friend who came on a fiance visa first. When would she be eligible to apply for ILR? Is it going to be 5 years from the date she landed too? Or will it be related to when her Spousal Visa was awarded?
Time spent on a fiancé visa does not count towards ILR, so she will be eligible to apply 28 days before she reaches 5 years on FLR(M). This will likely be 28 days before her second FLR expires.

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2022, 11:25:34 AM »
Time spent on a fiancé visa does not count towards ILR, so she will be eligible to apply 28 days before she reaches 5 years on FLR(M). This will likely be 28 days before her second FLR expires.

Thank you!
Spouse Visa Granted: 20 January 2016 - Arrived in UK: 27 February 2016 - FLR(M) Granted: 12 November 2018 - LiTUK Test Passed: 6 March 2021 - ILR Application Submitted: 13 March 2021 - Biometrics: 10 April 2021 - ILR Approved 25 August 2021 - UK Citizenship Application Submitted: 20 September 2021 - Biometrics: 12 October 2021 - Email Invite to Citizenship Ceremony: 15 November 2021

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #41 on: July 06, 2022, 01:00:18 PM »
UPDATE!!! now onto citizenship application once we get card!!


Initial Spouse visa approved 1st July 2017
Arrived in UK 3rd July 2017

Next visa approved 28th January 2020

ILR (5 year route) applied 9th June 2022 (Super priority)

Biometrics booked 6th July 2022

Biometrics 6th July 10am (email confirmation that it had all been submitted at 10:30am)

Successful Approval email for ILR at 12:50pm 6th July 2022 (roughly 3 hours after appointment)

Initial Spouse visa approved 1st July 2017
Arrived in UK 3rd July 2017

Next visa approved 28th January 2020

ILR (5 year route) applied 9th June 2022 (Super priority)
Biometrics booked 6th July 2022

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #42 on: July 06, 2022, 01:06:49 PM »
UPDATE!!! now onto citizenship application once we get card!!


Initial Spouse visa approved 1st July 2017
Arrived in UK 3rd July 2017

Next visa approved 28th January 2020

ILR (5 year route) applied 9th June 2022 (Super priority)

Biometrics booked 6th July 2022

Biometrics 6th July 10am (email confirmation that it had all been submitted at 10:30am)

Successful Approval email for ILR at 12:50pm 6th July 2022 (roughly 3 hours after appointment)

Congratulations!!!  :D

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #43 on: July 07, 2022, 10:26:24 AM »
UPDATE!!! now onto citizenship application once we get card!!


Initial Spouse visa approved 1st July 2017
Arrived in UK 3rd July 2017

Next visa approved 28th January 2020

ILR (5 year route) applied 9th June 2022 (Super priority)

Biometrics booked 6th July 2022

Biometrics 6th July 10am (email confirmation that it had all been submitted at 10:30am)

Successful Approval email for ILR at 12:50pm 6th July 2022 (roughly 3 hours after appointment)

Congratulations!   Good for you!

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Re: ILR Application Procedure + Timelines - Reference Doc
« Reply #44 on: July 07, 2022, 06:46:27 PM »
UPDATE!!! now onto citizenship application once we get card!!


Initial Spouse visa approved 1st July 2017
Arrived in UK 3rd July 2017

Next visa approved 28th January 2020

ILR (5 year route) applied 9th June 2022 (Super priority)

Biometrics booked 6th July 2022

Biometrics 6th July 10am (email confirmation that it had all been submitted at 10:30am)

Successful Approval email for ILR at 12:50pm 6th July 2022 (roughly 3 hours after appointment)

2017: Survived a rejected FLR(M) & the wait for Non-Priority Spousal Visa (✿◠‿◠)
2020: ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ FLR(M) approved
2022: ୧ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔ୨ ILR done
2024: (°◡°♡) Citizenship process begun

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