I really don't have any advice, but I have a funny story.
I had driving lessons in high school my senior year. The gym teachers were the instructors (why? Who knows.) Anyway, there was this teacher that everyone LOVED called Mr. Warmerdam. He was super laid back, great big tall guy - the basketball coach. Anyway, one day we were out and he had us pull over at a little grocery store (Piggy Market, just to add to the story) but he only had a little change on him. So he went in and litterally bought himself a handful of nuts from the bulk foods. Then he spent the rest of the drive in the back seat (quite a no-no, I should expect, but he was SO laid back it's not even funny.) I'll never forget old Warmerdam....
Oh, but Sheril, as an adult I would probably insist on finding a woman instructor if at all possible. IMHO, it would make things less stressful for you. I'm planning on finding a woman to teach me over here, if I ever actually get around to it, that is!