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Topic: Documents required for fiancee visa to UK  (Read 2915 times)

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Documents required for fiancee visa to UK
« on: June 24, 2006, 09:03:16 PM »

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me which documents are required from both people for a fiancee visa application for a US female to get married in the UK to her UK husband. What kind of documents/letters/proof etc. will we require? Any recommendations on what to send in besides the required?

Secondly, which website contains the form that should be filled out?

Many thanks for any information.


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Re: Documents required for fiancee visa to UK
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 10:38:35 PM »
I just sent in my fiancee visa application this week heres a list of what I sent in....

Completed VAF2 application form
❥    My passport                           
❥   2 recent passport photos of myself
❥   My letter of intent
❥   Statement of my past visa encounters (i have applied for a visitors and been denied so I gave background info)
❥   Certified copy of fiances British passport
❥   written letter of intent/support from fiance
❥   fiances  mortgage statement as evidence of accommodation in the UK
❥   fiances  proof of business ownership
❥   fiances  proof of new business purchase
❥   10 months most recent bank statements from fiance
❥   2006 monthly budget statement for fiance
❥   Projected monthly budget for us as a couple
❥   Letter from Registry Office
❥   Phone bills from Dec. 04, July 05, Oct. 05, Dec. 05, Jan 06, Feb. 06, and April 06,
❥   Mobile phone bills from Sep. 05, Oct. 05, Nov. 05, Feb 06, March 06, and April 06
❥   Phone card receipts
❥   Flight details from fiances latest trip to visit
❥   Pictures of me and fiance together on various occasions
❥   Random cards from me to fiance from 2004 up to date
❥   Random cards from fiances to me from 2004 up to date

I have not heard anything back from immigration yet so I am not sure if they need more documents. You can find forms and online applications at http://www.britainusa.com/visas/showcats.asp?i=65001&L1=41000. I sent in my application online. I hope this is some of the help you were looking for :)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2006, 10:41:27 PM by RandL »

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Re: Documents required for fiancee visa to UK
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 12:01:34 AM »
You can also find more information here. That link will take you to another thread in the Visa & Citizenship section of this board and describes stories from various members. There is no definite outline of which documents you should / need to submit (aside from a few specifics; e.g. passport, bank statements, proof of accomodation, etc.) as everyone's circumstances are different, but that thread will give you a very good idea.

Hope that helps too. :)

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