I'll be moving permantly to the UK with my fiance shortly (currently in the uk as a visitor, but will be going home to apply for my spouse visa) At the moment, my fiance is working a low paid bar job, but looking for new work. We are just scraping by at the moment. Because he earn so little, about $600 a month, i'm concerned with not being granted my visa. We will have 2 co-sponsors in the UK, but they are retired (even tho they have savings and income). We are living in a large house with a good friend of his, and he has said that if we need it, he will not charge us rent if that will make things easier for the application. I will be going to agencies and recruiters after the wedding next week and talking to them about my prospects of finding employment (I have alot of office experience so it shouldnt' be hard). All of this will be put with my application.
Will this be enough? I'm really starting to freak out. This is the only part of the applicaion i see as being questionable and well, i'm just afraid that we'll be apart again for a long time.