Alright, no cracker warriors have shown up...
Perhaps I should work on the manifesto.
First draft:
There are certain products that should be available to all people, no matter the country. These products should not have to be borne by various individuals (friends, family, semi-known folk from the internet) across vast distances and through unfriendly customs agencies when an obvious market exists for them. This is known as 'pure laziness' on the part of the manufacturer. Foreign Buyers Clubs do not mitigate the lazy factor. Heck, we know you ship other stuff over to sell.
So, WHY NO CHEEZITS? Huh? Huh? And what about the Triscuits? And the Stoned Wheat Thins? (There are a few other things, like Spike seasoning, but we'll stick to crackers. For now.)
I'd like to add something on the lines of 'it's our inalienable right as Americans' to eat any crackers we want... but I can't muster the necessary tone. Maybe because I'm from Canada.
Help is needed on the manifesto, members are needed. The cracker situation is dire, and I'm hungry. So many cheeses available, so few crackers...