I suppose it will be a small dinner with my wife, daughter and mother in law, more along the lines of a Jewish Friday dinner than typical thanksgiving.
Two years ago my wife and I decided to have a proper Gobble Gobble feast. We had 9 of us in total and it was my first proper thanksgiving to cook on my own. We had a 22lb Turkey, my mom shipped over cans of King Kullen jellied cranberries (you know that kind that slides out of the tin and you have to slice it up), cans of Campbell's mushroom soup and Onion sticks to make the string bean casserole, and pumpkin filler for the pie, and everyone that was invited brought various drinks and desserts. Well, my wife and I slaved in that kitchen for about 15 hours making this dinner and introducing the Britfriends to a real thanksgiving-- we even had College Football on the tv in the background (it was the saturday after thanksgiving, so the NFL games were already done)
They came
They ate
They left.
No. Really....within about 30 minutes of dinner being finished most of them left. And never got an invite back to anyo of their homes for dinner. So from then on I decided we won't be doing many big dinners anymore.
Sorry to bring the mood down, but to answer the original question, just something small with the family.