We are doing a Thanksgiving in mini format on Thursday -no idea what I will make yet for that one. Then a combined 1st birthday/Thanksgiving meal on Saturday with a few close friends. Definitely need to make up for missing it last year though I was happy to have my son instead of a turkey!

Hey at least I will be awake this year! It's a bit scaled back from the first two Thanksgivings here in the UK as we had over 20 people each year!
Menu is pretty traditional;
Lots of appetizers: cheese plates, deviled eggs, chips and dips -Ranch, onion, artichoke, bean-, pears stuffed with cream cheese/walnuts, olives, nuts, dried fruits, salmon and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Coke a cola Ham
Sweet potatoes
Mashed potatoes
Stuffing (this year we have Stove Top as a base thanks to mom and dad's package that came this am!)
I might make cornbread stuffing too.
Green Bean Casserole
Cranberry Sauce
Pies (brought by an expert pie maker!

and of course a big old chocolate Birthday cake for my baby boy!