Yes you can get cranberry sauce here now.
Here's a rough draft of how I make stuffing. I tend to wing it a lot in the kitchen so this is a guide only.
100-150g butter
1 onion coursely chopped
1 onion finely chooped
2-3 celery sticks chopped
2 good size carrots chopped
1-2 apple chopped
12 slices of stale bread (can toast light and grind in a processor)
2 tbsp parsley
1 tbsp sage
dash salt
dash of pepper
½ cup sausage
lemon juice to flavour
banana - omit any lemon if you opt for banana
In a pan, melt butter then add onion, celery, carrots, and apple; cook, stirring occasionally, until tender.
In large bowl, mix remaining items.
Add butter-onion mixture, mix well. I use my hands and get a good mix. If using banana, get your hands in there and mash it up with the mix
You can add some broth or water to moisten it, if dry
Put in a buttered casserole dish, cover with foil and bake for 35 – 40 minutes in the same oven as the turkey
Stuff the bird and cook
Let me know if you need clarification as I said I tend to wing it and have never written things down.
Bon Appétit