I love this thread. All hail Skype, saver of LDRs everywhere! WooO!
My boyfriend and I each have a public skype name (used for family/business/etc) and a private skype name, used only by each other. The private names are set up to auto-answer calls and start video immediately. (Not something you want anyone being able to do.) We each take the laptops to bed at night, logged into our private names, and so if one of us is up and misses the other one, we can call just to peek in, without actually waking the other one up.
Is it a little weird? Sure, people think so, but I love it. I like being able to hear him snore when I'm far away. The only downside is you have to get used to sleeping with a light on, but that's a small price to pay.
We watch movies a lot together, or surf the internet together. But (here comes the nerdery) we mostly play Second Life together. It's a 3D world where you can make a little avatar and walk around and do stuff together. We have a little virtual house and we build things for in it. We can sit on our digital couch and talk (like skype but with more to look at) and we can even dance together, or go out with other people we know. I can make him a present and leave it on our table. I can't do that with Skype!
And ok, it's a "game" and it's dorky, but you know what? It lets us do so many things we couldn't do just in a chat window, and it's been wonderful for us to have a common space that is OURS when we're physically in different places. HIGHLY recommended if you can swing the technical curve to getting involved.