We are a well traveled group and am sure there are lots of stories to share. I thought there was already a thread like this, but could not find it so here is a new one. Feel free to add!
Whilst I don't consider mine a *horror* story, I am finally home after 27 hours in transit.

My original itinerary had me flying from Pittsburgh to JFK to Heathrow. My flight out of Pgh was at 6PM, but due to freezing rain/snow, my mom and I decided to leave her house at 1:30 so I could be at the airport early and she could get back home before dark. It's an hour trip in good conditions.
A few miles from her house, 4 tractor trailers wrecked on I-70 and the hazmat crew had to be called. We sat trapped on the interstate from about 2-4:15. At some point I called Delta and found out that I had to be at the airport no later than 5:30. When the road finally opened, we carried on and made it to the airport by 5:15 only to find that my flight had been canceled due to bad weather at JFK. <sigh>
My two options were come back the next day and try the same route, or go via Atlanta missing my original Virgin flight, but going out on the next one. Since they were expecting more snow, and I didn't want my mom to have to drive me again, I opted for Atlanta.
So I fly to Atlanta, only to get off and get straight back on a flight to JFK. The gate traffic was so bad at JFK, that we were stuck on the tarmac for another hour after arrival. When we finally made it off that plane, I had to walk OUTSIDE in the FREEZING RAIN to get to the Airtrain!! It was coming down in buckets too!

(My apologies to you New Yorkers who have a fondness for JFK, but making people walk outside in the weather to change terminals is UNCIVILIZED! A girl who came out of the terminal with me was walking through ankle deep slush in flipflops!)
I finally get to Terminal 4 and the monitor is showing that my new Virgin flight is now canceled. There are people scattered all over the terminal sleeping on the floor, in phone booths, on benches, wherever since all the hotels are full from the multiple cancellations. I sat around till the Virgin desk opened, and thank god the monitor was wrong.
Arrived at Heathrow this evening but my luggage is still in New York and supposedly will be on the next flight in the morning. I can only laugh at this point.
I'm tired and oh so glad to be home. Fingers crossed that my suitcases actually show up tomorrow with everything I packed still inside.