Originally when Mart and I got together it was far easier for me to move to England. I was fresh out of High School with a basic J.O.B. and I wasnt in college because Id been planning to go to school in the UK anyway. Besides, Mart had a steady job and a car, which is more than what I had. It seemed the natural choice. I WANTED to go to England and Ive really enjoyed my time here.
But, as many of you know, three years down the line and here we are: living in England, happily married, lovely house, loads of debt, no family in the UK to speak of, lots of hopes and dreams, but no opportunities. So the decision to move back to the US was easy. Martin wanted a change of pace and a chance at striking the perfect balance between work and family. I wanted to be closer to my family. My grandparents raised me from the day I was brought into this crazy world til the day I left for England and now that theyre getting on a bit, I want to return the care the gave to me. As horrible as it sounds, we all know the fear of getting "that phone call" someday only to find out that your closest family has passed away and you never got to say good bye because you couldnt be there. I just cant bear the thought of that happening, and knowing that made it extra easy for Martin to make that leap of faith for me.
We're also looking to the future and trying to plan a life for our (someday) kids. Martin doesnt have any family in the UK anymore, aside from his step sister and closest friends. The advantage of the states would be living closer to my mom and step-dad so that our kids could actually have grandparents. And what a help grandparents are!! If we raised a child in the UK we would be seriously all alone. Doing something as simple as going out to see a movie would be impossible. So moving closer to mom is the perfect solution.
To be frank, debt is another huge reason we're moving. By selling our house we'll clear our debt and have a nice pocket full of cash to go to the states with. If we sold and cleared the debt only to stay in the UK, we'd have to move into a far smaller house and continue to suffer the high cost of living. Honestly? I want my cheap petrol, my Taco Bell on every corner, and my Target open til 10 pm every night of the week. Its hard to struggle on here in the UK knowing full well what we could have in the US, and a family to boot.
So those are our reasons for both! Two for the price of one. You lucky folks you
Btw, Ive really enjoyed reading this thread! Thanks to everyone who posted. Your reasons have all been very interesting indeed.